Jun 4, 2013

Craft Lab: Painting


Sometimes Craft Lab is about using everyday art supplies that we don't have a chance to use every day.

Today's project: Painting (on stretched canvas)

paint (we used gouache, but acrylics might have been better?)
stretched canvases

What the crafters did:
--This art project was one requested by a Craft Lab participant.  Despite the simplicity of the supplies, it was well-received and everyone left with a masterpiece they could hang in their own home.

 Hindsight Tips: To make this more truly a "maker" program, you could ask a local painter to come in and talk a bit about technique (or at least ask if it's totally against the rules to use gouache paint on cheap canvases...).  However, for this group of self-motivated creative teens, I think they were thrilled to just have the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with no rules or guidelines or "boring adults" spending time talking.  I chose to create my own artwork and learn alongside them:

What I learned:  although buying cheap supplies removes the pressure to create something "perfect," the poor quality can also be a bit frustrating.  I'm not sure whether it was the brushes, the canvas, the paint, or some combination of some of those elements, but getting the paint to go on smoothly was... challenging.

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