Sound is vibrations!
Today's Topic: The Science of Sound
wire/metal hangers
empty tin cans (with smooth-cut edges, not jagged)
ceramic or glass bowls (small is fine)
cling wrap (Saran Wrap or any other brand)
rice or some other small, not-flat grain-like substance
glasses (I used glass jars, but because they were different brands, even empty they made different tones when you tapped on them)
pitcher of water
metal spoons
empty tissue boxes (or any plastic containers small enough to stretch a rubber band around them)
rubber bands
variety of kid-friendly musical instruments -- especially nice are xylophones or other instruments in which it's easy to tell that the objects are making different tones because of their size (not just because of their relative levels of tension which is harder to see).
(This book is a great introduction to the topic! I skipped over a few parts, but did cover sound waves, echolocation and decibels.)