Oct 17, 2015

WonderWorks on the Road: Geoboards

Can WonderWorks be used for outreach visits?

Today's Topic: Shapes
Rubber bands

  cover art Shape up, pup! / Heck, Edward 
  cover art Perfect square / Hall, Michael

I'm not sure why it took me this long to realize that I could take my WonderWorks class to outreach visits to daycares, but this first visit was such a roaring success that it won't be my last time!  I read several books about shapes, and then I brought out the geoboards.  I gave a quick explanation of how they worked, then gave each kid their own board.

What the kids actually did: 
they made lots of shapes with rubber bands...
 this young engineer made a sailboat:
 This one had a color theme:
 But my favorite was this engineer who branched out and attached two boards together with rubber bands.  Genius!
There was also a boy who referred to the bumps on the board as "mosquito bites."

This was a class of 3 year olds and although most of them weren't quite sure what the names of the different shapes were (the word "triangle" was the most popular guess), the teachers and I were quite impressed with how long they worked on these geoboards and with how much detail and thought and concentration they put into it.  I'm already pondering which project I'll try out next with the great group of kids!

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