Feb 5, 2016

Apps that challenge users to create an invention or pose for a crazy picture

Taking tablets on my outreach visits continues to be popular with the participants! (Though they don't always trust that the apps I introduce will be any fun.  Until they've played them.)

A few apps I tried last fall with the group:
Pettson's Inventions (no photos of this visit, sorry!)
Image Scrimmage

The first two apps are invention-building apps and are good to do in the order listed.  Pettson's Inventions solutions have one right answer whereas Inventioneers can be solved in multiple ways.  Both are by the same app developer (Filimundus) and so they have a similar feel, but I like them both for different reasons. The kids seemed to really engage with these apps and did a nice job of working together to problem-solve each challenge. No one finished all of the free portions before the end of my visit, but a few came close.

 Image Scrimmage is a photo treasure hunt with physical challenges.  I did this one in December right before Winter Break and it was a great way to channel all of the wiggly energy of the group that day!

For our winter series, I'm going to be trying out a series of comic-creation apps.  Stay tuned for more app-ventures!

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