Mar 4, 2016

The Supper Club presents: Sick Days & Doctor Play

There have been a lot of illnesses going around this season--what a perfect opportunity to try out a doctor app!

When you’re sick,:
Red in Bed (iOS & Android, 99c)
Even Monsters get Sick (iOS $1.99, Google free, Amazon 99c)
Image Scrimmage (iOS, free)

Going to the doctor?:
Pepi Doctor (Google $1.83, iOS & Amazon $1.99)
Toca Doctor ($2.99, iOS only)
Little Fox Animal Doctor (iOS, $2.99)

Learn more about first aid:
Red Cross app by DADA Company (free, iOS & Google Play)

Healthy Habits!:
Go Nini  (iOS only, free)
Sworkit Kids (iOS & Google Play, free)

This month's craft: cotton swab "x-rays" 

 Granted, these would look a wee bit more realistic if I'd planned ahead and bought white ones instead of these lovely pink swabs I had in my craft stash.....

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