We interrupt this list of app reviews to bring you details about this year's Nifty Thrifty Gifty -- an annual craft event where I choose interesting, yet simple crafts that are great for gifting to friends and family.
The craft in the title photo is from the"DIY Friendly Pendants" tutorial. See some kid-made versions after the jump
So I could follow yesterday's post with a "Toca Boca anything" post, but then this whole "12 Apps" concept would really start to look like a sham. So I'll narrow it down to my favorite app from this fantastic developer from this past year.
I went to look at my notes today and... well, this has GOT to be cheating, but I just wrote down "Sago Mini Everything." And no, Sago Mini fans this is not the name of a new Sago app you haven't heard of, I simply couldn't narrow it down to only one Sago Mini app. But I will list some of our favorites after the jump.
For Day Three, I couldn't decide between these two apps, plus I feel like I've told almost everyone I know about this first one already, so really, I almost OWE you a second app recommendation today.
I am going to attempt a series of posts here, listing my top 12 (or so) favorite apps, most discovered this year. I won't promise that the posts will arrive on 12 consecutive days, but I'll do my best to finish them before the end of the month. It was extremely difficult to narrow my app list down to 12 apps (and I've left some favorites off this list simply because I've already blogged about them somewhere in the past), so a bit of cheating may be in order. For instance, today there was a tie. So I am going to tell you about two apps.