Dec 10, 2014

Twelve Days of Apps: Alien Assignment (Day 8)

 (Creative Commons image: Jesper Hauge)
This app will get your kids off the couch and searching the house hunting for items to photograph in an out-of-this-world scavenger hunt!

(image: itunes)
Developer: Fred Rogers Center
Pricing: Free
Platform: iOS (Apple)
Summary: Although the kooky graphics made me a bit skeptical about this app before I'd played with it, I should have trusted that anything put out by the Fred Rogers Center would be high quality. This app is one of my favorite free apps to recommend! It sends kids on a photo scavenger hunt looking for a mix of specific things (a doorknob) and more open-ended clues (something you sit on).  Once they've taken pictures for four clues, they are instructed to bring the phone to an adult who can "check" their work and approve or deny the photo.  This part is NOT to be skipped because it's fun to have conversations with your kids about why they chose to photograph what they chose.  To you, it may look like a blurry photo of the carpet, but to a kid, that's the floor and the floor is something you can sit on!

If you like this, try: creating your own photo scavenger hunt clues!  Just brainstorm a few ideas to tell your kids and watch as they surprise you with their photographic answers.

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