Dec 8, 2014

Twelve Days of Apps: JumpSeeWow's Fire Station App (Day 7)

 (Creative Commons image: Jesper Hauge)
I'll preface this review with a disclaimer that the app developer is a friend-of-a-friend, but all opinions here are my own, unbiased thoughts.

Developer: JumpSeeWow
Pricing: Paid
Platform: iOS (Apple)
Summary: One of the "rules of thumb" I sometimes suggest to parents when trying to choose the best apps for their kids, is to try to avoid apps that are more video and less interactive, so when I first started exploring the JumpSeeWow apps, I almost wrote them off as too passive.  But then I started exploring the app further and realized that this app reminded me of taking a field trip with Mr. Rogers (hmmm.... does that reference date me?). All of the video in the app is original footage taken by the app developers themselves of real community workers (not actors) doing their real jobs.  The videos are short, informative and populated by a nicely diversified "cast of characters." Most are firefighters, but there's also a delightful little foray into a local bakery. The animations that help kids navigate between the video clips are delightful and contain fun little hidden surprises. See a sample video here.

If you like this, try: A trip to your local firestation! Many firestations offer free tours and (depending on how busy they are) kids might get to sit in the trucks or see the firefighter gear up close.
Also consider: JumpSeeWow's newest app "Jump See Farm" -- similar format featuring information about farming and animals instead of fire stations. (iOS & Android (Kindle), Free version includes a few free video clips, unlock the rest of the app for a fee) See two sample videos from the farm app here!

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