The amazing Angela Richardson came to our library a few weeks ago and guided kids (and their parents) through making some fantastic sock monsters.
First, we used needle and embroidery floss to sew a V in the toe of each inside-out sock (creating two horns or ears), then cutting a triangle out of the V.
Then, we flipped the socks right-side out and filled them with stuffing from this cute stuffing-monster-bag.
and sewed them shut.
Then the fun began--adding eyes, mouths, arms....
I personally love these pipe cleaner arms, just poked through the weave of the sock fabric!
I was a little nervous going into this project about giving the kids needles, but they handled them quite well (school age kids) and you can see that the results are all 100% adorable. Best implementation hint--pre-thread a BUNCH of needles!
If you love these sock monsters as much as I do, be sure to check out this book:
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