Before we can talk about ranking things in order by size or sorting things by type, we must simply ask what it means for objects to be the same and different.
Today's Topic: Same & Different
--Memory Games (there are many free printable versions online if you don't have easy access to ready-made. We used this cute popsicle version today.)
--Domino Games (you could use the ones with dots, but stay away from ones with more than 5 dots at this age. You can also try picture dominoes. There's a free printable version here.)
--Any other matching games (we used Socken!)
--Buttons in a variety of sizes, colors, finishes, number of holes...
--foam alphabet letters in both capital and lowercase
--wooden blocks
--6 pairs of plastic eggs filled with different objects (instructions here)
--6 pairs of balloons filled with different textures (instructions here, only I also added a second balloon stretched over the finished ball to make it just that much stronger)